Hi everyone,
In memory of my brother, Iyanuloluwa, who was scheduled to write the AWS Solutions Architect Associate certification before his demise, I’ll be giving out free AWS Certification vouchers to those who might find it useful.
This would be for the total cost of your exam. Tracks supported include the cloud practitioner and all associate-level certifications.
These proctored exams can be taken at home or in an exam centre.
The only requirement is to ask for this, I’ll disburse them in the second week of February. A small note that I’m paying full price for these exam vouchers, so if it’s not something you’ll probably find immediate value in, it might be best to postpone your asking, so others who might be in need can get it.
I should have about ten vouchers and might be able to go higher if I see a need.
Thank you.
for all.